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Complete party organization

Here are some of my own events. 


On April 2013 a made a Minecraft birthday party for my son. You can see more pictures of the complete party at  Picasaweb photo and/or at

I took most of the ideas, from Pinterest. You can see my board following this link


My kids were born with 2 years and 1 day of difference, so after the Minecraft birthday party, I have one day to prepare my daughter cooking party! You can see more pictures at


On May 2012, I prepared my son's first communion. 
I made the remembrances with MariaTePinta
I used the same design to prepare the invitation that I sent by email, and the cake´s decoration with sugar paper that I ordered at
The round cake was easy, I ordered a simple round cake with plain fondant, I outline a cross with icing and filled with sugar flowers. at that´s it!